Hot Girl Index launched on September 25th and less than two months later we’ve made a lot of progress. Over the past (almost) two months we’ve created 100 posts, featuring a ton of hot girls in both Model of the Day and themed posts and have steadily increased our Alexa Rank, starting at 920,770 and moving to 547,995 (worldwide). That number might look shitty to some of you, but we’re pretty damn proud. If you do the math we should be the number one site in the world in just a few months! Seriously though, what we’re most proud of is our original and unique approach to model promotion. We treat everyone equally whether you’re just starting or your a big star. Additionally, all the models featured on the site provide us there content, we don’t rip-off or steal content from other sites.
Thank you to everyone for making our short time on the interwebs a success. We’re excited to continue promoting hot girls from across the globe and featuring their amazing content on Hot Girl Index. Make sure to keep coming back for more.