Some models have sex and other models LOVE having sex, Mimi Monet falls into the LOVES sex category. Say hi to Mimi Monet, she’s adult content creator with fire content. Mimi has a sexy unique look due in part to her Filipino and Italian heritages. The mix of the two gives Mimi her dark skin and sexy curves and gorgeous face.
We can spend a lot of time talking about Mimi’s look, but there are two features that stand out to us, her booty and her lips, both of them. Yes we said lips, we’ll get back to that in a minute. Mimi’s ass may very well be the star of the show. Her butt is big, juicy and round. It’s feature prominently in all her content and there’s a reason for that, it’s awesome. She has that perfect ass that looks amazing in a g-string and has those perfect little ripples when it’s being pounded. Regarding her lips, her lips are plush and made for killing, among other things. Her other lips, the ones down under are quite amazing as well. You’ll have to join her fan site to see what we’re talking about, but as a teaser they’re equally as plush. They’re quite the money maker!
Other features to point out include Mimi’s pierced nipple and strategically placed tattoos throughout. See if you can locate all her tattoos. I count 6, but there could be more. Go check out Mimi Monet and all her killer content, it ranges from solo to group sex and everything in between. You’re going to enjoy this little bundle of energy, promise. You can find more on her fan site and Twitter page.