Dagmar the Destroyer is a Stripper MILF

Dagmar the Destroyer is a stripper MILF. OK, there’s a lot to unpack here, all very intriguing and exciting. Lets start off with Dagmar’s name, Dagmar the Destroyer. When I think of that name the first thing that comes to mind is Conan the Destroyer, played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. I’m not sure Dagmar’s physicals stats, judging form the pics she does look statuesque. Who wouldn’t sign-up to be destroyed by Dagmar. Moving on, lets not forget she’s a self-proclaimed stripper MILF. Not that’s a combo, a mother I’d like to fuck and a stripper. If you put all three together you have one bad ass lady that’s hot as hell. We’re really digging Dagmar’s look, blonde hair, fit, big boobs and a beautiful face. Oh, we forgot to mention Dagmar lives in Scotland. If you’re lucky enough to see her in the strip club, do us a favor and put a few buckets in her g-string from us. You can see more of Dagmar on Twitter and her multiple fan sites.

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