We have a treat for you today and her name is Nicole Cerrini. She’s a bikini model, but she’s not your typical bikini model, she’s a 2 X NQ NPC (National Physique Committee) Bikini Overall Champion. As you can see from the pictures below there’s no wonder why she’s won multiple times. She has a perfect body and puts in the work to get there. While genetics certainly play a role, putting in time at the gym is also part of her winning formula. If you like gym girls you’ll want to check out Nicole Cerrini’s Instagram page. On her Instagram page you’ll see video pics, videos and other behind the scenes content. It’s amazing content, trust us.
Lets spend a little time talking about Nicole Cerrini’s A+ looks. While her body certainly gets a lot of attention Nicole Cerrini face is where it all begins. She has a chiseled jaw line, long black hair and other stand-out features, including her sexy eyebrows. She can give you that “I’m not interested look” or give you a big smile and have you coming back for more, from both. From there it keeps getting better and better. Nicole Cerrini’s body is thin, tight and full of muscle. I’m not sure there’s an ounce of fat on her body. She’s rock hard, but also keeps a softness about her. Boobs, butt and hips all work together and of course looking amazing in a bikini. Nicole Cerrini has the complete look going on.
In addition to being a bikini model, she has a few other career passions. She’s a nutrition guru, yoga guru and also dabbles in Burlesque. Nicole Cerrini has a fan site, and keeps it PG-13, if you’re lucky you may catch a glimpse of some R-rated stuff, while keeping it classy. You can find links to all of Nicole Cerrini’s social media and fan site here. We’re crushing on Nicole Cerrini and we think you will also. We give Nicole Cerrini our Hot Girl stamp of approval. Enjoy!