Realtors are a dime a dozen, but there’s one that stands out above the rest and her name is Tammy The Realtor. With so many realtors, each tries to do their part to market their abilities. That can come in the form of being recognized as a top seller, being a flashy seller or in the case of Tammy The Realtor, having enormous boobs. Picture yourself in the market for a new house and meeting your realtor for the first time, and she has 4500cc boobs. You may be a little shocked at first, but after the shock wears off you know your realtor has the assets to close the deal, that’s Tammy The Realtor.
Tammy The Realtor lives in Boca Raton where she sells real estate and works on her amazing curves. She’s a statuesque babe with long blonde hair, huge boobs and an equally massive ass. When we say huge and massive we mean it in a very flattering way. I guarantee you won’t see many models with boobs the size of Tammy The Realtor, as well as a such a perfect bubble butt. For those of you not up to date in the big boob world, when you have boobs the size of Tammy The Realtor’s you throw out the bra size letters and speak in terms of the size of the implants, specifically ccs (cubic centimeters). Again, she has 4500cc implants which are large and in charge. What impresses us the most about her body is that she has such large assets and maintains a skinny frame. Her skinny frame only accentuates her boobs and ass. We love it!
While Tammy The Realtor still does the real estate selling things, she also splits her time being a model. With looks like Tammy The Realtor it’s a toss up what’s more lucrative, real estate or modeling. Being completely bias, we prefer Tammy The Realtor the model. Looking at her in lingerie, a small bikini or workout clothes has us drooling on our keyboards.
If you like big boob models be sure to add Tammy The Realtor to your top 10 list. You can find more of her on Twitter and her fan site. She puts in the work to keep herself being as busty as possible, so be sure to give her a follow. Enjoy!