If you like to get high and have sex raise your hand. Everyone reading this post better have raised their hand. I know one model that is raising her hand right now, stoner babe Lacey. Lacey is a self-proclaimed stoner queen and we’re here for every bit of it. Lacey is an adult content creator and weed is definitely part of her gig, or at least it helps power her sexual prowess.
Lacey is a college student using her g-d given talent and look to put herself through school, and have a little fun on the side. As you can see from the pics below Lacey has an A+ body, built for speed. Her perfect tits, round booty and pretty kitty are all on display for your viewing pleasure. Lacey puts her looks and body to good use when creating content. Her content spans everything from solo masturbation to playing with boys and girls. Nothing is off limits for this stoner babe, and by nothing when mean her booty, it’s open for business!
When Lacey isn’t studying or making killer content she’s obsessing over Pokémon. She’s a huge Pokémon fan and has the street cred to prove it. She even has a Pokémon focused Instagram account where she shows off her collection of goods. I bet you thought that Pokémon was only for shy nerdy girls, nope, even a hot Asian stoner babe loves Pokémon.
Hot Asian babe, check…stoner babe, check….XXX content creator, check….Pokémon fanatic, check. That’s right, Lacey has it all going on and she’s the complete package. You can find more of Lacey on her fan site and Twitter. We promise you’re going to fall in love with her, enjoy!