She’s Texas born and Texas raised, say hit to the beautiful Notorious Miss Torii. We ran across her a few months ago and couldn’t wait to give her a feature. Notorious Miss Torii is an adult content creator with a soft spot for lewd Cosplay and multiple fetishes. One of our main categories on the site is Cosplay, we really like to feature Cosplay models because they bring their all to everything they do, plus we like to see our favorite super hero and anime characters come to real life in a R+ way.
They say everything is big in Texas and Notorious Miss Torii is no exception, in a very good way! She’s a curvy model with big boobs and an equally impressive ass. In addition her hips definitely don’t lie, they accentuate the booty and her overall look. We’re just as mesmerized by her face as we are with her body. In one word, Notorious Miss Torii’s face is gorgeous. Like super pretty gorgeous. Her canvas is the perfect starting point for all her Cosplay looks. When you have looks like Notorious Miss Torii you can make any Cosplay look come to life.
As you can see from the pictures below Notorious Miss Torii takes Cosplay to the next level, the lewd level as they say in the Cosplay world. Her man looks include Velma Dinkley from Scoopy-Doo to Naughty Priest to Naughty School Girl and so much more. She has a ton of looks, the pics below are just a small sample size.
We could go on and on about this beauty, but we don’t want to come between you and discovering more about Notorious Miss Torii. You can see more, a lot more, of Notorious Miss Torii on her fan sites and Twitter. Loong live lewd Cosplay models!