What’s in a name? Everything when it comes to Jewels who goes by ModernSexyFitnessGirl. Lets break that name down a bit starting with Modern Sexy. Jewel definitely fits the definition of a modern sexy model. Getting naked and sharing your sexuality with the world use to be taboo only a few years ago, and was only for porn stars. Fast forward to 2022, women spanning from executives to housewives are now sharing themselves with the world and it’s well accepted, well, it’s well accepted for those of us with open minds. The second half of Jewels name is FitnessGirl and is self explanatory. As you can see from the pics below Jewel has a rock hard body and makes fitness part of her day-to-day life. Fitness definitely does a body good, she has the perfect ass, flat stomach and is muscular throughout, but still maintains a soft look. Lucky for all of us ModernSexyFitnessGirl is an an adult content creator. You can find her making content which spans from professional nudes, to nude and public, all the way to XXX fun. We give Jewel our Hot Girl stamp of approval! You can find more of her over on Twitter and her fan page. Enjoy!