We love featuring naughty couples and we have another one for you this week. We’re happy to introduce you to naughty duo from the United Kingdom, CharAndBry. For our feature we’ll be talking about the female half, Char. Don’t worry, when it comes to Char’s content it includes a lot of Char AND Bry, and it’s full on XXX action.
First and foremost, Char has a strong sense of sexual adventure. She’s a sexual woman at heart and lets her sexuality play out in all sorts of ways. Her specialties include outdoor nudity and lots of swinging adventures. We’ll get to the outdoor nudity part in a minute, but lets first talk about the swinger side of Char. Char is a proud member of the pineapple club. If you’re not in the know swingers have adopted the pineapple as a sort of secret symbol within the community. To be specific, an upside-down pineapple. If you see someone wearing an upside-down pineapple badge or pin, it means that they’re actively looking for a partner swap. An upside-down pineapple on someone’s front porch can be seen as an invitation to join a swinger party. Now you may not have seen anyone wearing an upside-down pineapple pin or have one on their door, but now you’ll know what it means if you do, and consider yourself lucky. As you might have guessed, Char has a ton of swinger content and it probably represents a small percentage of her swinger adventures!
Now getting back to the outdoor nudity, it’s abundant with Char and amazing. Her outdoor nudity game is strong, including your private flashing and nudity, as well as public sex and public flashing. You can find her flashing her lady parts in an abandoned building or in the isles of a grocery store. It turns her on and I’m willing to bet it will turn you on as well.
Char brings in in her photos and videos and it certainly helps that she has the curves to make things exciting. She has big natural boobs and an equally healthy ass. Her tits are perfectly shaped and have that natural hang we all love. Whether she’s flashing them in public or they’re bouncing up-and-down during sex, you’re going to like what you see.
I hope I got your juices flowing, because Char is that awesome and worthy of a follow and a sub. You can find links to all her social media and fan sites here. We give her our Hot Girl stamp of approval and hope to see a lot more of her on the Hot Girl Index in the future. Enjoy!