We might have found the ultimate nerd. Her name is Starr Devereauxx and she’s a big fan of everything nerd. She’s into anime, Star Wars, comic books, gaming and much more. All of those things are A O K with us. We think the term nerd is quite endearing and we’re completely enamored with Starr Devereauxx. When she’s not nerding out , she’s striping down and showing her beautiful body to the world.
Starr Devereauxx is a full figure model and uses all her curves to her advantage. She looks absolutely gorgeous rocking everything from a tank top, to her favorite Cosplay, to lingerie and even a robe. Speaking of robe, she’s a self proclaimed robe fanatic. Starr Devereauxx has a collection of robes and the silk variety is definitely her favorite. I can see why she loves the robe look, i’m sure it feels great on her skin and it’s easy to disrobe.
Speaking of Starr Devereauxx’s body, it’s a thing of wonder. She has a super cute face and lovely curves. She’s not shy about showing it off and we’re not shy about saying we’re here for all of it! Starr Devereauxx has fantastic boobs with a little extra on the side, she has both her nipples pierced. We’re not sure if she has other well placed piercings, but that’s for you to find out. In addition to her piercings she has a nice mix of tattoos and they fit in great with her style and personality.
Enough of us gushing over Starr Devereauxx. If you want to see more of her click on this link, to see all her links. If you really want to find a way to Starr Devereauxx’s heart we suggest you buy her a robe from her Amazon wishlist. This nerd has it going on and we give her our Hot Girl stamp of approval. Enjoy!