One thing we love to do is search Twitter and discover hot girls that might not yet be on your radar. We always seem to find the hottest models that either are just getting started or just need a little promo to help skyrocket them to the moon. Take a look at our first edition of 25 hot girls under 5,000 Twitter followers. We have quite a mix of hotties that you’re going to fall in love with. Make sure to click the link to their Twitter account, give them a follow and see what other naughty sites they post their content to. Also to help spread the love make sure to tweet out this article by clicking the twitter button at the bottom. Happy discovering!
Delorian Sunset | @DelorianSunset

Nari | @nariluvsu
Skinny Vegan Binch | @cwispyspwite
Succubus Lana | @succubuslana
Ruby Lynne | @RubyLynne50
The Naughty Canadian MILF | @CanadianNaughty
Tinydoll Tasia | @TinydollT
Blondyxox | @Kirstynicol2
Vanessa Vixen | @MyVanessaVixen

Han | @skimasktheslut1

Louise K | @louisek2020

Harlow Grace | @missH_grace

Lexxxi Luv | @LuvLexxxi

Belena Osqura | @Bosqura

Beth Black | @blackcatbeth

Eve Rebel | @EveRebelXXX

Sydney Screams | @Sydney_Screams

Anouschka Femme Fatale | @AnouschkaFemme3

MidDayMary | @MidDayMary1

Nikki Beee | @soundsforsouls

Allie Zeon | @allie_zeon

Coco | @cocothesavage_

Snow Elle | @snow_elle_

Ms. Red X | @MsRedXXX