Remember the good ole days when a woman’s neither regions were off limits, except if they were covered in body hair? Bushes were the thing, the only thing, and nobody would ever thing about shaving it all off, except for a little manicuring here and there. Over the years the pubic hair slowly went away and gave way to the hairless vagina phenomenon. Now most women rock completely shaved vaginas or may have a patch or landing strip. Well, over the last few years there have been models that have bucked the hairless trend and went back to the good ole days of huge hairy patches. Mickey’s Playhouse is one of those models.
Not only has she gone back to the full blow days of large bushes, her pubic hair grows in like a well watered garden. Her bush is huge and plentiful. The bush covers every part of her vagina from the lips and extends outwards and upwards. It even extends to her asshole. The saying party in the front and party in the back they must have been talking about Mickey’s Playhouse and her bush. There’s no manicuring going on here, it’s just 100% pure natural bush.
While we like to focus on her fantastic flowing lady hairs, we can’t go without mentioning how cute she is. Mickey’s Playhouse has a gorgeous and youthful face, which leads to a tiny and fit body. Just like her bush, her tits are all natural and are the perfect size for her body. To top off her look Mickey’s Playhouse has several tattoos throughout her body.
Mickey’s Playhouse is an adult content creator and as you may have guessed, her bush is a featured asset in all her photos and videos. If you can’t get enough of huge natural bushes then Mickey’s Playhouse is your girl. Her content includes flashing her bush in private and public, toying with her bush and having other ladies go down on her bush. It’s all bush and lots of it. You can find her on Twitter and all her content on her fan site. Mickey’s Playhouse has brought back the bush look in a big way and we’re all for it. Enjoy!